Chess Principles Introduction

Aus MattWiki
Version vom 30. Juni 2024, 09:23 Uhr von Matt (Diskussion | Beiträge) (→‎Opening Principles)
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This article is an introduction into Chess principles during the different stages of the game.

The Opening

The opening is considered complete, when the rooks are connected.

10 Rules for the Opening

  1. Develop: Use all pieces for your game
  2. Develop: Improve position by expanding it
  3. Develop: Bring out minor pieces
  4. Control the center by attacking it
  5. Never move a piece twice within first 10 moves
  6. Castle the King early, meaning within first 10 moves if not within first 7 moves
  7. Don't bring out the Queen before all minor pieces are developed and the King is castled.
  8. Develop pieces with a purpose
  9. Think about your opponens moves and threads
  10. Connect the rooks

These are not necessarily the best moves, but these are solid principles to achieve a good position without memorizing openings.

The Middlegame

The Endgame