VSCode Cheat Sheet and Knowledgebase

Aus MattWiki

Application Wide Shortcuts

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + Shift + P Commant Palette
Ctrl + , Open settings
Ctrl + Zoom in
Ctrl - Zoom out

Editor Shortcuts

Window Control

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + 1 Go to first editor panel
Ctrl + 2 / 3 Go to second / third editor panel, create one if not present
Ctrl + ^ Split editor panel
Ctrl + W Close file
Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen last closed file
Ctrl + Tab Next tab
Ctrl + B Toggle sidebar visibility


Shortcut Action
Alt + ↑/↓ Move line up/down
Shift + Alt + ↑/↓ Duplicate line up/down
Ctrl + Shift + K Delete line
Ctrl + Z Undo

Multi Cursor Editing

Shortcut Action
Alt + Click Add cursor
Ctrl + D Multi-select word
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + ↑/↓ Add second cursor in the line above or below


Shortcut Action
Ctrl + # Comment / Uncomment line
Shift + Alt + F Format document
Ctrl + Space Show suggestions

File Management

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + # Comment / Uncomment line
Shift + Alt + F Format document
Ctrl + Space Show suggestions

Terminal Shortcuts

Shortcut Action
Ctrl + ö / Ctrl + ` Toggle terminal panel / Switch to terminal panel, if in editor
Ctrl + Shift + ö Create second terminal tab
Ctrl + L Clear Terminal
Ctrl + Shift + 5 Split Terminal

VSCode Configuration

If not specified otherwise in the following sections always go to Settings.

Visibility in Explorer

Hiding or making files or folders visible is implemented with excludes in VSCode.

Go to section: Files: Exclude for all excluding options or specifically for Files Exclude.

Show Suggestions

Section Editor: Quick Suggestions

Disable all for Intellisense. By CTRL + SPACE it can be show again

Show Parameter Hover

Section: Editor > Parameter Hints: Enabled