Node.js Code Samples (SAP HANA)

Aus MattWiki

This entry contains SAP HANA specific JavaScript listings for Node.js runtime within XS Advanced environment.

For basics knowledge on JavaScript language itself see JavaScript Basics

Language Basics on Node.js Runtime


/dates - Date processing
/array - Array processing
/json - JSON JavaScript Object Notation processing
/objects - JavaScript Objects
/strings - String processing
/classes - JavaScript Classes
/promises - Promises
/constants - Constants
/blockScoped - Block-Scoped Variables and Functions
/parameterDefaults - Parameter Defaults
/parameterMultiple - Handling unknown number of input parameters easily
/unicode - Unicode Strings and Literals
/numFormat - International Number Formatting
/currFormat - International Currency Formatting
/dateFormat - International Date/Time Formatting

Text Bundles

Lessons Learned

  • Use TextBundle module @sap/textbundle";
  • Get locale from Client Browser Headers
  • Store language specific text files in _i18n subfolder
  • Create instance bundle of type TextBundle
  • Get text with getText Method of bundle instance

Open Source Modules for Node.js

How to utilize open source Node.js modules for:

Object Oriented JavaScript
