Packen und Entpacken (Linux)

Aus MattWiki
Version vom 10. September 2017, 13:01 Uhr von Matt (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Verzeichnis packen

Unlike zipgzip functions as a compression algorithm only.

Because of various reasons some of which hearken back to the era of tape drives, Unix uses a program named tar to archive data, which can then be compressed with a compression program like gzipbzip27zip, etc.

In order to "zip" a directory, the correct command would be tar -zcvf archive.tar.gz directory/ This will tell tar to c (create) an archive from the files in directory (tar is recursive by default), compress it using the z (gzip) algorithm, store the output as a f (file) named archive.tar.gz, and v(verbosely) list (on /dev/stderr so it doesn't affect piped commands) all the files it adds to the archive.

The tar command offers gzip support (via the -z flag) purely for your convenience. The gzipcommand/lib is completely separate. The command above is effectively the same as tar -cv directory | gzip > archive.tar.gz To decompress and unpack the archive into the current directory you would use tar -zxvf archive.tar.gz That command is effectively the same as gunzip < archive.tar.gz | tar -xv tar has many, many, MANY other options and uses as well; I heartily recommend reading through its manpage sometime.

tar -zcvf archive-name.tar.gz directory-name



tar xfv foo.tar.gz
tar -xjf foo.tar.bz2
tar -xvJf foo.tar.xy
tar -xvJf foo.tar.xz


bunzip2 foo.tar.bz2

